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Avatar: The Last Airbender [Hindi] [720p] | Season 2


 The world is divided into four nations -- the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation and the Air Nomads -- each represented by a natural element for which the nation is named. Benders have the ability to control and manipulate the element from their nation. Only the Avatar is the master of all four elements.

In this season, Aang and his friends Katara and Sokka are on a quest to find an Earthbending teacher which finishes when they recruit Toph Beifong. After finding important information concerning the war with the Fire Nation, Appa ends up kidnapped. Their journey leads to Ba Sing Se, the capital of the Earth Kingdom, where they uncover great internal government corruption. Meanwhile, due to their actions at the North Pole, Zuko and Iroh are declared enemies of the Fire Nation and desert their country, becoming fugitives in the Earth Kingdom. Pursuing both Zuko and Aang is Princess Azula, Zuko's younger sister.


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Episode 01- The Avatar State
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Aang and his friends rest at Earth Kingdom Outpost after their journey from the North Pole. They are to be escorted to Omashu, where Aang intends to find King Bumi to teach him earthbending. But General Fong, inspired by Aang's battle-determining actions during the Siege of the North, suggests that Aang defeat the Fire Lord and end the war immediately by triggering the Avatar State.

Episode 02-The Cave of Two Lovers
[nickelodeon Hindi dubbed]
While on the way to Omashu, Aang and the group meet a group of carefree traveling bards, who take them through a vast tunnel known as the Cave of Two Lovers. Zuko and Iroh are sheltered by kind villagers after Iroh accidentally drinks tea made of a poisonous plant. Song, a young and compassionate healer, shows Zuko the effects of war from a normal citizen's perspective. Aang and Katara grow even closer as they discover the origins of the cave, which includes the tombs of the first two earthbenders. Their torch burns out plunging them in darkness thus setting off the glowing lights in the ceiling, allowing the group to escape and make it to Omashu, which is under control of the Fire Nation.

Episode 03-The Return of Omashu
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Omashu has been captured by the Fire Nation. Aang and friends sneak in and are nearly captured, but Sokka fakes a deadly illness (pentapox) to scare off the guards. They meet a resistance movement, and help the whole city escape with the same fake epidemic. The Fire Nation Governor's infant son and Mai's baby brother, Tom-Tom, accidentally leaves with the citizens. Aang attempts to trade him for King Bumi, but Princess Azula calls off the trade. Aang manages to rescue Bumi after a fight with Azula, but Bumi allows himself to be recaptured, saying that he must wait for a more proper time. He instructs Aang to find an earthbending teacher who "waits and listens" before striking at the right moment.

Episode 04-The Swamp
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
While flying, Aang and friends are attracted to a mysterious swamp and get separated from one another. They begin to see unique illusions in the swamp: Sokka sees Princess Yue, Katara sees her dead mother and Aang sees a mysterious girl. They are reunited and attacked by a swamp monster who turns out to be a wise man from a tribe of swamp waterbenders. He explains that all beings are connected, as the swamp is a single large tree, and the visions are of people they have met or will meet. Meanwhile Zuko, disgusted with having to live as a beggar, dons the mask of the Blue Spirit once again.

Episode 05- The Avatar Day
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Aang and friends stumble upon a town celebrating an Anti-Avatar Day. The villagers blame the Avatar for killing their leader, Chin the Great, in a past life. Aang is arrested and put on trial for his crimes. Zuko disguises himself as the Blue Spirit to steal food for him and his uncle. Iroh is not happy with what Zuko is doing, and Zuko decides to leave him. After Fire Nation soldiers attack the village, Aang is pardoned after he defeats them. The town changes the anti-Avatar celebration to a pro-Avatar celebration.

Episode 06- The Blind Bandit
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Aang is searching for an earthbending teacher, but with little success. While at Xin Fu's earthbending tournament Aang finds a talented blind earthbending girl named Toph and realizes she was the one in his vision. But she cannot become Aang's teacher due to her wealthy and overprotective parents. Xin Fu kidnaps Aang and Toph thinking he was cheated. Toph reveals her power by defeating Fu's gang, but her parents become even more restrictive. She runs away from home and joins Aang. Toph's parents, believing Aang had kidnapped her, promise Xin Fu and Master Yu a chest of gold if they bring her back.

Episode 07- Zuko Alone
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
After leaving his uncle, Zuko continues his journey to an Earth Kingdom town where a young boy named Lee befriends him. Zuko remembers his childhood, including Azula's psychopathic behavior and his own perseverance. Finally he recalls his mother's last words and the announcement that his grandfather died and his mother has suddenly disappeared. As Zuko defends the family against abusive Earth Kingdom soldiers, he reveals his identity as the Fire Prince at the battle's end, and the boy, his family, and even the townspeople reject him because of it.

Episode 08- The Chase
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Aang and his friends are chased by a mysterious machine, which makes it impossible for the group to stop and sleep. The lack of sleep makes everyone irritable, and causes a quarrel between Katara and Toph. While fighting Toph blames Appa for the chase and the group realize that they are being tracked because Appa is shedding. Aang takes some of Appa's fur to act as a decoy to lure the followers away, but he is cornered by Azula. His friends, plus Zuko and his uncle, arrive to take Azula down together, but she injures Iroh in the moment of distraction and escapes.

Episode 09- The Bitter Work
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Aang finally begins his earthbending training with Toph, but grows frustrated when he encounters difficulty with the earth element, the natural opposite of air. Similarly Iroh tries to teach Zuko lightning, but Zuko's anger keeps him from having the cold precision lightning requires. Iroh says true wisdom comes from many sources, describes the four elements, and advises that understanding the other elements makes one whole. Aang finds Sokka in danger from a Moose-Lion and is able to save him by firmly standing his ground as an earthbender would. Iroh teaches Zuko a technique he learned from studying both Northern and Southern waterbenders, which safely redirects lightning.

Episode 10- The Library
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Sokka decides the group needs some intelligence to defeat the Fire Lord. At an oasis, the group encounters a professor who tells them about a hidden Spirit Library in the desert. Inside, Sokka discovers a crucial weakness to the Fire Nation that could end the war: the date of the upcoming solar eclipse which will cripple the firebenders' firebending. The spirit of the library, Wan Shi Tong, refuses to allow them to leave with the knowledge and sinks the library into the sand. Meanwhile, Appa is kidnapped by Sandbenders. They all escape from the library but are devastated by the loss of Appa.

Episode 11-The Desert
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
The gang is stranded in the desert, helpless without Appa. Iroh finds a co-member of a secret society, using his White Lotus opening in Pai Sho, who helps protect Iroh and Zuko from the Fire Nation. While there, they are recognized by the men hired by Toph's father, who plan to capture them for the reward. After going through the many perils of the desert, Aang tracks down the sandbenders who stole Appa, and learns that Appa was traded to a merchant in Ba Sing Se. Upon hearing that Appa was muzzled, Aang becomes so angry and upset that he enters the Avatar State, almost wiping out the sandbenders, but is calmed down by Katara.

Episode 12-The Serpent’s Pass
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
After leaving the desert, the group meets up with Suki, and attempts to lead a couple through the Serpent's Pass. They are attacked by a giant sea serpent, but ward it off and make it across. Meanwhile, Zuko and Iroh are also on their way to start a new life in the Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se, and encounter Jet and some of the Freedom Fighters, with whom Zuko starts to bond. The group finally makes it to Ba Sing Se only to find the Fire Nation is about to send a gigantic drill to destroy the city's wall.

Episode 13-The Drill
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Having successfully crossed the Serpent's Pass, Aang is determined to go to Ba Sing Se where he hopes to find his lost sky bison, Appa. However, he discovers a Fire Nation drill commanded by Azula heading straight for Ba Sing Se, intent on penetrating the wall. Aang and the group succeed in stopping and destroying the drill from the inside. Meanwhile, Jet wishes to recruit Zuko for his Freedom Fighters, but learns that Zuko and Iroh are firebenders.

Episode 14-The City of Walls and Secrets
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Aang and the rest of the group arrive in Ba Sing Se to find Appa and inform the Earth King about the solar eclipse, but they are constantly hindered by their tour guide, Joo Dee. They soon learn that any mention of war is forbidden and enforced by the Dai Li, secret police of Ba Sing Se, and their corrupt leader, Long Feng, who appears to know something about Appa. Elsewhere, Jet repeatedly tries and fails to gather evidence that Zuko and Iroh are firebenders. His last attempt, challenging Zuko to a sword fight, ends in his own arrest and being brainwashed by the Dai Li into believing there is no war in the city.

Episode 15- The Tales of Ba Sing Se
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
The Tales of Ba Sing Se" is a set of vignettes about each of the main characters' adventures in Ba Sing Se, providing a glimpse of their personalities and private lives.

Episode 16- The Appa’s Lost Days
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
After being abducted, Appa is traded to the Fire Nation Circus where the Circus Trainer mistreats him, though the Sky Bison soon escapes with the help of a small boy. He later unwillingly enters a fight with a Boarcupine, and wins but is badly wounded. By fortune, Suki and the Kyoshi warriors come across Appa and help him recover from his injuries, but are later attacked by Azula and her team and Appa is forced to flee. He returns to his childhood home at the Eastern Air Temple, where he encounters a mysterious guru. The guru aids Appa in his search for Aang, telling him to find Aang in Ba Sing Se, but before he is able to, he is captured by Long Feng.

Episode 17- The Lake Laogai
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
Finally having enough of the rules of the city, the group decides to go against the law to find Appa. As they do so, the gang meet Jet again. They find Smellerbee and Longshot and realize Jet was brainwashed by the Dai Li. They travel to Lake Laogai in the hopes of finding Appa. Instead, they encounter Long Feng, who mortally wounds Jet. Elsewhere, Zuko discovers that Aang is in the city and finds Appa. However, with encouragement from his uncle, Zuko decides to free the sky-bison and give up the Blue Spirit alter-ego forever. After an intense battle on the surface, Aang and Appa are finally reunited.

Episode 18-The Earth King
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
The group breaks into the Earth King's palace to warn Kuei about the War, which the Dai Li kept hidden from him. They eventually convince Earth King Kuei by showing him the destroyed Fire Nation drill and Long Feng is arrested for treason. Meanwhile, Zuko succumbs to an illness which Iroh calls a metamorphosis caused by his conflicting destiny and is haunted by nightmares. Elsewhere, Azula and her cohorts infiltrate the city, disguised as the Kyoshi warriors.

Episode 19-The Guru
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
After the group receives letters that were confiscated by Long Feng, Aang meets Guru Pathik, who trains him to master the Avatar State through the unlocking of chakras. Toph is captured by Xin Fu and Master Yu, who attempt to transport her back to her parents, but she escapes by developing metalbending. Long Feng is tricked into a deal with Azula where he will exchange Aang for control of the Dai Li. Aang unlocks all chakras but the seventh and last, which requires giving up all earthly attachments, which turns out to be his genuine and intense romantic love and affections for Katara. Failing to abandon his strong romantic attachment to Katara, Aang sees a vision of her in danger and leaves his training against the Guru's wishes.

Episode 20- The Cross Roads of Destiny
[nickelodeon hindi dubbed]
With Long Feng released, Zuko prepares to capture the Avatar. Before he can do so, Azula takes control of the Dai Li (and hence Ba Sing Se), explaining that they admire her brutal discipline. She has Zuko imprisoned. When Aang attempts to free Katara, Zuko is told by his uncle that he must choose between himself and Azula. He chooses to help Azula attack the Avatar. Aang realizes that he must let go of Katara in order to save her and fulfill his destiny, but the Fire Nation princess zaps Aang with lightning while in the mightily powerful Avatar State, putting the Avatar near the brink of death. Iroh delays to allow Aang's friends to escape along with the Avatar's comatose body. Katara uses the mystically enchanted spirit water to save Aang as they flee from the now-fallen Earth Kingdom's largest city, Ba Sing Se, with the now deposed Earth King Kuei.

Credits for Encoding Goes to ToonPleX

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